Want to donate a turkey to help the needy?
You can help New Jersey families in need this Thanksgiving by donating a turkey or dry food to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Hillside NJ.
[box type=”info”]November 20, 2010 – 9am to 1 pm – St. Francis Cathedral Parking lot[/box]
The Community Food Bank uses Saint Francis Cathedral as a drop off site in Middlesex County. This is how you can donate:
Date: November 20, 2010
Time: 9am to 1 pm
Place: Parking lot of St. Francis Cathedral.
Turn off Main Street onto Library Place. Drive up to the white truck and volunteers will take the turkey and dry food directly from you. You don’t even have to get out of the car.
Questions? Call social concerns at St. Francis. (732) 548-0100 x 225. Visit their facebook page.
September 23, 2010 – Volunteers and staff from the Community FoodBank of New Jersey giving out nearly 100 boxes of food to seniors in Plainfield.