The Fuce 5K is an event sponsored by the Fuccile Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the service and support of local families affected by tragedy. Thank you to all those who participated from near and far for supporting this event! And a special thanks to all the volunteers! It was a TON of fun! Can’t wait until next year!
Here are today’s race results.
This year’s beneficiaries:
Patterson Family: In honor of Ryan Marie Patterson, who passed away in October of last year from complications related to Crohn’s disease. Ryan Marie was a swimming youth coach and her loss is felt throughout the community. Pirrotta Family: Natalie, Steven and their children Emily, 14, and Val, 19. In May 2011, Steven, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. A month later their home burnt down. Natalie works part-time at Little Genius Academy and spends the rest of the day caring for Steven.
About Mike Fuccile
On September 4th 2008, Mike, 36, was killed on his way to work in Jersey City where he served as a chief compliance officer for Merrill Lynch. He left behind his wife of ten years, Nancy, and three children, Michael, 9, Jack, 7, and Brooke, 4. Mike played an active role in our community and his passion for family, sports and an active lifestyle was an inspiration to all of us. To learn more about Mike, click here. The Fuccile Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supporting families affected by tragedy. If you know of a local family who could benefit from such support, please contact
(Note: Big Thanks to Edgar Middle School 8th Grader PATTY AGTARAP for the photos you see on this page of the 2012 Fuce 5K Family Fun Run!)