Library Announces Mario Kart Tournament for 4th & 5th Graders
On Sunday, September 12 from 2 PM until 4 PM, the Metuchen Library will host its first Wii Tournament for students in grades 4 and 5. The tournament will feature Mario Kart followed by free play with a variety of Wii games.
Metuchen residents in grades 4 and 5 are asked to register for the event by writing , by calling 732.632.8526, or by visiting the Library. Players must present a library card and, prior to registration, everyone is invited to come into the Library to get a card if they don’t already have one. This program will be hosted by Game Partners, a teen group of library volunteers who planned the event. First and second prizes (a $25 gift card and a $15 gift card) and refreshments are paid for by the Friends of the Metuchen Library.