To say that main street Metuchen has been bustling with activities the past weeks would be an understatement. However, most weeknights you’d be surprised how peaceful and serene the street could be. A lazy early evening walk up and down main street is sometimes the perfect solution to an otherwise hectic day at work or at home. At around this time, you’ll bump into joggers, moms picking up something special for dinner to bring home, and the train commuters heading home to their loved ones. Main Street is not a place one would think of first for a relaxing evening walk, but try it one of these summer days, you might just be surprised. Metuchen after all is full of surprises. So come on, join me and let’s take a walk.

Below is a Letter from the then Mayor of Metuchen in 2002 when the Walk Metuchen program was introduced.

Dear Metuchen Resident:

We are pleased to announce a truly innovative program that links pedestrian friendly community planning with the health of the residents of the community.

Over the last several years, Metuchen’s Master Plan has promoted pedestrian programs as a way of reducing traffic congestion in the borough. As a result of the borough’s initiatives in this area, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a major foundation focusing on health related issues, has provided Metuchen with funding that allowed the borough to design walking programs in our neighborhoods. Residents who take advantage of these safe well-marked street paths to our downtown will not only help us to reduce traffic congestion and pollution but they will also contribute to their own good health. I hope that you can find the time in your busy schedule to take advantage of this program.

Ed O’Brien
(Former) Mayor

Did You Know?

  • More people walk, than participate in any other fitness activity across the United States?
  • Walking 4 times a week, 45 minutes each, the average person can lose 18 pounds a year with no change in diet.
  • Walking at any level or speed, 2 or 3 a week for at least 20 minutes, increases cardiovascular strength.
  • Walking is low-impact exercise, which puts less strain an bones & tissue.
  • Why walk? Its simple, its social, its easy!


  • Keep your shoulders down and your back straight.
  • Bend both elbows to 90°angles
  • Pump your arms, don’t lean forward.
  • Wear comfortable, well-fitted sneakers.